10 Rock Music Bands Who Had Huge Potential (And Wasted It)

5. The La’s

The Stone Roses
public domain

If you've ever found yourself listening to one of those "Best Dad Rock Ever!" compilation CDs, chances are you've heard There She Goes by The La's.

Its light and fluffy intro is famous the world over, but as for the band themselves, their legacy is significantly smaller.

Though their biggest hit came in 1990, The La's were formed in 1983 in Liverpool and played the various circuits until finally striking a record deal in 1987.

Their first single, Way Out, achieved some traction, even receiving praise from Morrissey, which may actually have turned out to be a poisoned chalice. Years of turmoil would follow, as the band couldn't agree on how to record their debut album, which finally saw the light of day in 1990.

Even though it was a top 30 hit and almost unanimously praised by critics, there was no sequel, as the band would call it quits by 1992. Bassist John Power's departure was the final nail in the coffin, leaving this once-promising act a footnote in the history of British rock.

Hopefully the royalties from those compilations have been enough to sustain them.

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Rock Music
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.