10 Rock Music Bands Who Had Huge Potential (And Wasted It)

4. Badfinger

The Stone Roses

Every new band dreams of an established act swooping in and taking them under their wing, and for Welsh outfit, Badfinger, that act just so happened to the biggest band of all time.

The group got signed to The Beatles' Apple label in the late 60s and received some serious attention from the Fab Four. Paul McCartney wrote them their first hit single, Come and Get It, and George Harrison produced Day After Day, another chart success.

Sadly, as anyone who knows the history of Apple will tell you, it was not a sustainable option.

Once the label fell apart in the early 70s, Badfinger fell on hard times. Various crises hit the group, particularly when guitarist Joey Molland's wife, Kathie, began interjecting herself into the situation. Well, they wanted to be like The Beatles, so they clearly needed a Yoko.

The story of Badfinger does not have a happy ending, as lead singer Pete Ham took his own life in 1975. There were attempts to revive the band name, but none of them bore fruit.

Even with a back catalogue as excellent as theirs, you can't help but wonder how far this troubled group might have gone.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.