10 Rock Music Bands Who Had Huge Potential (And Wasted It)

3. The Darkness

The Stone Roses

Lowestoft is an English coastal town known for being the country's easternmost settlement, a low quality holiday destination, and being really boring. To rock fans, though, it is known as the birthplace of The Darkness.

Started by brothers Justin and Dan Hawkins, the band burst onto the scene with their 2003 album, Permission to Land, which was one of the freshest and most complete British debut rock records in ages. Songs like Growing on Me, Love is Only a Feeling, and the monster smash I Believe in a Thing Called Love made them the talk of the town, but fame comes with a price.

The band couldn't produce a second album on par with their first and Justin Hawkins was admitted to rehab following serious alcohol and drug abuse. Their downward spiral continued, leading to their first break-up in 2006.

Though they have since reunited, they completely missed their moment. Had things gone differently, they might have been responsible for a revival of glam metal, but instead, they're confined to the "remember them?" section of modern rock.

Still, that first album is a banger.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.