10 Rock Music Bands With Unique Selling Points

8. Goblins - Nekrogoblikon

Having a gimmick is certainly one way to make your band stand out, as one man named John Goblikon found out.

The alter-ego of actor Dave Rispoli, John Goblikon is the mascot for Nekrogoblikon, a band from California who sing about... well, goblins.

From their first album, Goblin Island, to songs such as Dressed as Goblins and Goblin Box, these creatures of folklore make up a vast majority of the band's output. Just quite how they've managed to get five albums out of a Spider-Man villain is a mystery, but that's precisely what's happened.

Despite the fact that he's not actually a musician, John is most definitely the focal point of the band's marketing strategy, first appearing in the viral video for the song No One Survives. In an era where rock band mascots were essentially non-existent, it was refreshing to see the little green guy get so much attention.

Don't let the fact that he murders someone at the end of the video fool you, he's a lovely chap really.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.