10 Rock Music Songs That Got Banned From Certain Countries

2. Everything - Cannibal Corpse (Russia)

Getting one song banned in a certain country is one thing, but having your entire discography put on the no-no list? That's impressive.

If you had to bet on which band would suffer this fate, then Cannibal Corpse would be a smart investment. Formed in 1988 out of Buffalo, New York, this death metal outfit seem to have made it their mission to make music as un-sellable as humanly possible.

This could easily turn into a segment just listening the names of their songs, but honestly, that may cause some of you to throw up.

As a result, these chaps aren't always welcomed with open arms. In 1996, the sale of their records was banned in Australia, although that has now been partially overturned. The same thing happened in Germany.

In 2014, Russia banned the group from performing within its borders and also prohibited the sale or display of any of their music or merchandise. This came after several Cannibal Corpse shows in Russia were stopped by police for various sketchy reasons.

Russian fans will just have to find another way of listening to Hammer Smashed Face.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.