10 Rock Music Songs That Got Banned From Certain Countries

3. All Of Chinese Democracy - Guns N’ Roses (China)

The story of the album Chinese Democracy by Guns N' Roses is a bit like outer space; it's huge, it goes on forever, and it will give you a massive headache if you think about it for too long.

GNR's most recent album to date, Chinese Democracy took years to make and cost a reported $13 million, the most money ever spent on a rock record. After all that hard work, imagine how gutted Axl Rose must have been to find out his work was not being sold in the most populated country on Earth.

As you'd expect from a country that tightly controls its media, China banned the album for its perceived digs as its government. The album is called "Chinese Democracy" for crying out loud - of course they weren't going to like it!

Mentions of new religious group Falun Gong, which has been persecuted by Chinese leadership since the late 90s, sealed the album's fate, denying the good people of that country the chance to hear such classic Guns N' Roses songs as Prostitute, Shackler's Revenge, and Riad N' the Bedouins.

Such a shame.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.