10 Rock Songs NOT Sung By The Lead Singer

4. You Got the Silver - The Rolling Stones

Mick Jagger has been known as one of the best frontmen of all time for half a century.

Even though the Beatles may have kicked off the British Invasion, Jagger's approach to the stage while in the Rolling Stones resulted in some of the most electrifying vocal performances to be put on record. Jagger could really do it all in the studio, but when it came for "You Got the Silver," no one could deliver like Keith Richards could.

This is far from the first time that Richards has stepped up to the mic though, with him singing co lead vocals with Mick on songs like "Salt of the Earth" and "Something Happened To Me Yesterday," but this one is a bit different. Instead of jumping on an uptempo rocker as you'd expect from the Stones' resident badass, this cut is a delicate ballad about his undying devotion to his girlfriend.

The track is almost country in its delivery, with Keef willing to part with all his money and fame if it means spending one more day with his muse. Richards' voice probably didn't have the staying power to carry an entire Stones album, but for this little one-off job, you can practically hear the delicate sound of his soul coming out of his throat.

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