10 Rock Stars That Almost Died On The Road

6. Mick Jagger - The Rolling Stones

As the '60s cultural revolution started to turn a corner, Woodstock felt like the one moment where rock could actually produce peace on Earth. While it may have just looked like an open field in New York playing music, there was definitely a change in the air, with acts like the Who and Jimi Hendrix making you feel like things were going to be much different once they put their instruments down. When things shifted to Altamont though, that's when the harsh reality set in.

Once the Rolling Stones launched into their performance, chaos broke out midway through one of their songs, leading to Meredith Hunter being stabbed to death by one of the Hell's Angels, who had been hired as security for the gig and having been paid in beer before the concert started. When the concert wrapped up, Mick Jagger had some pretty nasty things to say about the biker gang though, which inadvertently put a target on his back once the gang found out his home address.

During a break between legs of the tour, the Hell's Angels had originally planned to murder Mick, ambushing him in his house by chartering a boat over to his estate, only for their boat to break down before they got even halfway there. The Rolling Stones may have been known as the dangerous men of rock and roll, but Mick may have learned an important lesson that day of not flying too close to the sun whenever you have a mic in your hand.

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