10 Rock Stars Who Never Wanted To Be Famous

1. Thom Yorke - Radiohead

There's no real set pattern to the way that rock stars deal with the spotlight. Even if the artist in question is much more reserved off stage, they always seem to find a way to manage their hectic life in the spotlight with the normal life they lead at home. No one can really say they're ready, but Thom Yorke was virtually thrown into superstardom without so much as a safety net.

As Radiohead started to gain traction off of Creep, there were many rock fans who just figured they would go the way of the one hit wonder. Once albums like the Bends and Ok Computer came out though, Radiohead were now looked at as the voice of their generation, with Thom Yorke being heralded as the next rock god. Being someone who was never the most social person to begin with, this spelled disaster right out of the gate.

Across the Ok Computer tour, Thom began getting more and more desensitized, including one incident where he left the venue to cool out, only to be greeted by Radiohead fans on the train back. Given the amount of lip service they were getting in the mainstream, Yorke made a conscious effort to strip everything bare on Kid A, which became one of the most uncommercial critical darlings of the early '00s. Even though the massive influx of fans may have been a turn off, Yorke's experimental musings afterwards gave him genuine fans who were more than willing to stay for the long haul.


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