10 Shocking Things You Won't Believe Artists Have Done In The Name Of Punk
The number one here is absolutely insane.
With the consistent and steady amount of headlines and arrests that Russian punk band Pussy Riot continue to accumulate, the world is reminded that punk rock can still be provocative. For far too long, what was once the angriest and arguably the most expressive subgenre of rock and roll had become tame and sanitised. There was a time when punk rock was dangerous. Before Green Day, before the commercialised Warped Tour, your parents would live in fear that their child might very well be attending one of those crazy punk concerts theyd read about the papers. This was back in the day when punk was not something you could easily buy in most malls around the world. Thankfully, punk rock appears to be making a comeback. Whether its railing against current political climates all over the world, flipping the finger to more local injustices, or just being defiantly outrageous, punk is beginning to rebel and shock all over the world again. As a tribute to this resurgence as well as a trip down memory lane, heres a list of genuinely shocking acts committed in the name of punk by some of the experts.