10 Shocking Things You Won't Believe Artists Have Done In The Name Of Punk

7. Stiv Bators Gets A BJ From A CBGB€™s Waitress...Onstage

Dead Boys Cleveland punk rockers The Dead Boys didn€™t find even marginal success until they made the move to the Big Apple. Once there they acquired not only a manager (Hilly Kristal, owner of CBGB€™s) but a producer for their first album, Genya Ravan. If you€™ve never heard of her, check her out - as a rock and roll star in her own right she€™s pretty awesome. And the plan she concocted for a particular CBGB€™s Dead Boys performance would blow everyone in the audience away. Pun fully intended. Out of all of the Dead Boys songs, none of them have a more memorable title than Caught With The Meat In Your Mouth. So when the band launched into it onstage, Genya Ravan coaxed a CBGB€™s waitress to join them with a can of whipped cream and every intention of making the song literal. Which she did, while Stiv Bators sang. Unfortunately for the Dead Boys, they would never have a cooler producer on any subsequent albums.

Just like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, Mickey Galie is the best friend a good time ever had.