10 Shocking Things You Won't Believe Artists Have Done In The Name Of Punk

5. The Dead Kennedys Face Obscenity Charges Because Of Fine Art

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s13a1X2wknY Picture this scene: It€™s 1985 and a 13-year-old girl goes into a local California record store and buys a copy of the Dead Kennedys album Frankenchrist. Despite the fact that they might just have the coolest 13-year-old daughter in the world, her parents are unimpressed. They€™re even less happy when they see the artwork on the inside: H.R. Giger€™s €œLandscape XX€ (Granted, it€™s also titled €œPenis Landscape€ for obvious reasons) and this becomes more than just a case of €œparents just don€™t understand.€ Shortly after and because of this innocent little purchase, Jello Biafra found himself engaged in a years-long obscenity case that finally ended in 1987 with a hung jury (the jokes just keep coming). While one could argue that the Dead Kennedys should have just chosen another artist€™s work, we all can agree that it€™s really just that H.R. Giger€™s work is not for everybody. Which is perfectly fine and legal.

Just like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, Mickey Galie is the best friend a good time ever had.