10 Songs Guaranteed To Make You Move

2. Crazy In Love- Beyonce

beyonce_54524 The powerful horns and old school funk- feel drive this song from beginning to end and are a fierce back bone to the lyrics that the song is so famous for, aside from that €œuh oh€ dance. Dance Crazes are generally enjoyed by most people, we like to join in and believe we are in the music video alongside the artist (is that just me?!) Some crazes are particularly terrible, I€™m looking at you Psy, and some can be great. The Crazy In Love €œuh oh€ dance made dance crazes cool, out with The Macarena, and in with some moves that are completely current and we can all look good doing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViwtNLUqkMY

Lady from Liverpool, UK with a BA in English Literature and American Studies currently residing in lovely Melbourne, Australia. Writing and indulging in everything music and television from Kanye West to True Blood. If your a TV fanatic, music lover or just want to have a little nose at what I have to say, check out my blog at aleafoutofhollysbook.wordpress.com