10 Songs That Don't Mean What You Think

2. Poker Face (Lady Gaga)

What You Think It Means: 'Poker Face' appears to be about a woman (in this case Gaga) withholding her true feelings or intentions from the man in her life to keep him guessing. At face value, it comes across that the pop starlet plans to keep a little piece of herself to herself. Is it designed to inspire young women or is it merely light-hearted pop fluff?

What It's Actually About: It's neither.

During a 2009 live performance, Lady Gaga told her adoring throngs that the hit song is about bisexuality if anything. The idea of showing a 'Poker Face', or hiding one's true feelings from another, comes from her having sex with a man but fantasising about being with a woman at the same time. She didn't want to show that though, so she kept up the pretence of enjoyment.

As anyone who has played (or has any knowledge of) the popular card game knows, it's important to keep a straight face and show little emotion when playing poker so opponents can't get a read on your hand. That's where Gaga was coming from here, although her tune is soaked in sexualised drama.

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Lady Gaga
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.