10 Songs That End On Really Depressing Notes

4. When The Wild Wind Blows - Iron Maiden

The Talisman is not the only depressing song to come from Iron Maiden, and is not even the only one to feature on The Final Frontier. The album's finale is the 11 minute masterpiece, When the Wild Wind Blows, telling an even more devastating story than anything else the band have put out.

Not only does this song hit you emotionally, it is made all the more poignant and apt thanks to the situation of the world today. Bruce Dickinson sings of a world where the end is near, or at least that is what those on the TV are saying.

With the news that the fallout is approaching, something like we've never before, people stock up on supplies and head into their shelters to protect themselves. The final words of the song however, speak to the reality of the situation in the most haunting, depressing way possible.

Two people end their lives as a preferable option to seeing the end of the world unfold, but what they were saying on TV was wrong, this wasn't the fallout at all. It was a mere earthquake that was blown out of proportion by the media, causing two people at least to lose their lives.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.