10 Songs That End On Really Depressing Notes

5. Thief - Our Lady Peace

Our Lady Peace are probably one of the least recognisable names on this list, though you may be familiar with Whatever, the theme song used by Chris Benoit in the WWE. The Canadian band have put out nine albums over the 26 years since their debut, and one of their finest came from Happiness... Is Not a Fish That You Can Catch.

Many of the stories in these songs are either fictional, or loosely based around certain themes, while Thief tells the true story of a young girl named Mina Kim battling a cancerous brain tumour. The thief the song sings of is the tumour itself, representing terminal illness in general, and the thousands of lives it steals.

Any song about any kind of illness is depressing already, but Our Lady Peace's incredibly touching song about Mina in particular, who ultimately lost her battle, makes this much more personal, and far more emotional.

After the song fades, there is a recording played of a young girl singing a nursery rhyme. This is actually Mina Kim herself, singing with the wife of front man Raine Maida, and drummer Jeremy Taggart. This track, the ending in particular, is a real tear jerker.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.