10 Songs That Have More Than One Music Video

8. Island In The Sun - Weezer

The favourite band of nerdy music snobs everywhere, Weezer have done a lot since their first album was released back in 1994 and at least 30% of it has been good.

The group were in full swing by the time Island in the Sun came out. A light and breezy affair, the song is far more conventionally pop than most of Weezer's other output at this time and it found a firm footing in both the indie and mainstream scenes.

As well as being split between two camps, the song also received two different music videos with very different premises.

The first, subtitled the "Mexican wedding" version, features the band playing whilst a couple get married in the background. It's a pretty happy affair; lots of singing and dancing, lots of people smiling, lots of of Rivers Cuomo awkwardly standing around looking into the camera.

The second video, which is sometimes just called "Animals", is also rather sweet. The band are on a hill playing with a bunch of animals including kittens, puppies, and a bear cub.

Oh, and it was also directed by 12-time Oscar nominee Spike Jonez. Because sure, why not?


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.