10 Songs That Were Censored For Utterly Ridiculous Reasons

3. Phil Collins - "In The Air Tonight"

This song is not about war. This song is not about war. THIS SONG IS NOT ABOUT WAR! Sorry for the redundancies, but that's apparently the only way to get the point across to radio stations that pull the song off the air following any sort of war-related occurrence. "In the Air Tonight," a song supposedly directed at Collins' first wife, whom he'd just divorced, was scrubbed from the airwaves in 1991 once the Gulf War got underway, and again in 2011 after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Why? Because...Phil Collins is a radical insurgent? It's probably because the atmospheric and moody classic features just vague enough lyrics to be misconstrued as being about anything. And that wasn't accidental, according to Collins: "The lyrics you hear for 'In the Air Tonight,' I just sang. I opened my mouth and they came out. I never wrote anything down and then afterward, I listened to it and wrote them down." So whatever the song is about, IT'S NOT ABOUT WAR!
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.