10 Songs To Celebrate Your Freedom After A Break Up

2. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - Taylor Swift

It certainly wouldn’t be a break up song list without a little Tay Tay. On this track, Miss Swift sets her ex straight with a simple and blunt statement: “We are never ever ever getting back together... like ever”.

It’s no secret that Taylor Swift is the undisputed queen of breakup songs but many of her songs are about heartbreak and sadness. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together is the exact opposite. Her ex may think he still has a chance but he won’t after hearing just how over him she is. From his ”indie records” to his ”picking fights”, we think the break up is definitely for the best.

This song is best enjoyed belted out at the top of your lungs while in PJs - much like Taylor does in the classic video. Dance along, roll your eyes at that idiot ex of yours and know that Tay Tay will always have your back.

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With a degree in film studies and almost 90,000 minutes of yearly listening on Spotify, Jeniffer loves all things entertainment. Jeniffer is currently based in Hong Kong where she writes for a local food magazine.