10 Songs To Celebrate Your Freedom After A Break Up

3. IDGAF - Dua Lipa

This song is for anyone who is just so over it. There’s always a sort of satisfaction in knowing that you’ve moved on and your ex hasn’t and you’ll feel that satisfaction through Dua Lipa’s lyrics and vocals.

For those unfamiliar with text-speak, IDGAF stands for ”I don’t give a F***”. Muttering those words to your ex who broke your heart and who is begging you to take them back? Oh what sweet, sweet revenge. They say the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. There is no better payback than simply not caring anymore.

When Dua Lipa cuts into that biting chorus where she let’s her ex know just how little she wants to hear his apology, you can almost hear her roll her eyes. If your ex keeps blowing up your phone and just won‘t give up, give this song a listen and you’ll know exactly how to tell that idiot to “save it, get gone, shut up”.

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With a degree in film studies and almost 90,000 minutes of yearly listening on Spotify, Jeniffer loves all things entertainment. Jeniffer is currently based in Hong Kong where she writes for a local food magazine.