10 Songs You Must Hear (That Are Under Two Minutes)

8. Oxford Town €“ Bob Dylan

Written for a magazine looking for a song about James Meredith €“ a black student who was enrolled into the University of Mississipp €“ yet beautifully avoiding mention of the either the university or the boy and thus giving it a wider socio-political resonance, €˜Oxford Town€™ is the shortest song on The Freewheelin€™, coming in at about a minute and a half. The music€™s simplicity and contrastingly troubled lyrics lend it a wonderful balance of lightness and depth, and Dylan himself claims the slight ambiguity in the words is deliberate: €œIt deals with the Meredith case, but then again it doesn't... I wrote that when it happened, and I could have written that yesterday. It's still the same.€ A strong amount of thought to apply to a song so short; the sort of thing few artists other than Dylan could do so effortlessly. Length 1:32
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A mythical hedonist, a chronic solipsist, a poet armed with a mouth full of adjectives, a brain full of adverbs and a box full of laxatives. Writing words in a language that isn't real to impress people that I invented since The Big Bang.