10 Terrible Rock Albums (That Aren't As Bad As You Think)

6. All Hope is Gone - Slipknot

Slipknot would probably be one of the last bands you would expect to take their music in a softer direction. Hell, the masks that they sport onstage pretty much tell you everything you need to know about this demented gang from Iowa. Then again, every band has that one record no one likes to talk about... but All Hope Is Gone should not be that record.

It's perfectly understandable why some fans were pissed off with this one though, with songs like "Dead Memories" and "Snuff" being gentler offerings from the band who gave us Iowa. While those songs are a bit on the user-friendly side for Slipknot, the rest of the record is still full of the band's signature balls-to-the-wall metal.

In fact, this album might feature some of Corey Taylor's greatest vocal performances from a technical standpoint, as he has fully come into his own when it comes to balancing venomous screams in between the softer material.

For every song like "Snuff," there's also something like "Gematria" around the corner that will annihilate your speakers every time they come on. And as much as it has become a meme at this point, "Psychosocial" still kicks all of the ass with its brilliant drum groove and maniacal solo work.

There might be some heavier Slipknot fodder elsewhere, but some of these cuts are up there with the best tracks this band has ever made.

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