10 Things You Should Be Listening To - End of the Road Special

5. I Break Horses

shoegaze/electonica/dream popPhilip K Dick pondered whether androids dreamt of electric sheep. Perhaps a greater question still is where programming goes to die, will computers have an afterlife? I mean for fear of angering our eventual robot overlords (after the Chinese of course), the answer unfortunately is no. As much as you and I may love Wall-E and Eve, when they are dead they are dead. No more. Same as the rest of us really. Were there a robot afterlife, or if androids did in fact dream of electric sheep, the sound track would be I Break Horses. A Swedish duo, Maria Linden and Fredrik Balck, who deal in a synthetic shoegaze so rich in texture and electronics that the term soundscape does them no justice. Instead, for their dreamy mix of hushed, whispered melodies, dense layers, sumptuous melodies and wave like passages, I offer up; the sound of robot heaven. http://youtu.be/-Sg7YkPnEYw facebook website twitter

Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits