10 Things You Should Know About The Guns N' Roses Reunion

8. The Band Will Still Play Chinese Democracy Material

Don't think for a second that the band is about to run away from playing material from 2008's Chinese Democracy. The album was and is part of the band's history, and despite a ton of heat, is nowhere near the disaster it could have been. Consider this: the album still sold millions worldwide in an era of declining CD sales, and really isn't anything more than Use Your Illusion III. It also manages to be one of the better mastered albums of its era, moving away from the "wall of sound" (read: wall of noise) approach albums have become more and more infatuated with since the early 2000s. Like it or not, there's absolutely no way Axl Rose walks away from this material, and no reason he should. Songs like There Was A Time and Street of Dreams aren't exactly worlds away from the Illusions albums, musically, and Duff has already played a number of these songs live in concert anyway, proving that he has no problem performing them as part of Guns N' Roses. It's doubtful Slash cares all that much either at this point. Fans of the band, who pretty much took sides like angry children in a particularly bitter custody case, are probably more concerned about this topic than anyone in Guns N' Roses at this point.
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Guns N' Roses
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Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.