10 Times David Bowie Surprised Everyone

7. The Prestige

The filmography of Bowie has, like his musical endeavours, been eclectic and not always to everyone's taste. He had his leading roles in The Hunger and Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence. He also appeared in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me and Basquiat (as Andy Warhol). His striking physicality meant he was in demand to play notable figures, and one of the most notable was electrical pioneer Nikola Tesla, as interpreted by Christopher Nolan in 2006's The Prestige. For many moviegoers Bowie's role would have come as a complete surprise. The sight of this contemporary polymath in period clothes was strange enough, but this was a film like no other. Like the actor, Tesla had the reputation of a magician and there's an astonishing sequence where Bowie walks through a twitching curtain of electricity. Nolan's casting decision (in the ex-harlequin's last big screen role) gave fans and viewers alike a classic portrait of Bowie as a charismatic screen presence and serious actor. How appropriate that Tesla should warn the story's protagonist of the dangers of probing too deeply into life's questions. To quote one of his most memorable song lyrics from Law (Earthlings On Fire): "I don't want knowledge. I want certainty!"
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David Bowie
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I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.