10 Truly Terrible Albums By Legendary Artists

7. Lou Reed & Metallica - Lulu

At first glance, the combination of Lou Reed and Metallica looks like the kind of cross-cultural musical mashup that a fan on YouTube would create. After all, where is the common ground?

What could they bring to each other, and with such disparate fan bases, how could they avoid alienating the very people who buy their respective records?

Of course, the answer was simple - they couldn't bring anything of value to each other, and the fans stayed away in droves.

What were they thinking? There was nothing in each other's musical DNA to suggest that this could ever generate something that was memorable for anything but the wrong reasons. Undoubtedly well-intentioned, both were legendary in their own field and were enthused by the chance to try something different. Perhaps they should have kept it in the vaults.

'Lulu' was savaged by critics, although perversely, it is alleged that Reed's old friend, David Bowie, thought it was one of his best albums.

Perhaps the original idea of Metallica recording some unreleased Reed songs might have been a better notion, but the distinctive Lou Reed vocal delivery was never going to work against the backing of Metallica.

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Lifelong music obsessive, regular contributor to US guitar magazines, sometime radio presenter, singer/guitarist in Star Studded Sham, true believer in the power of rock'n'roll and an amp turned up to 11, about to publish first novel, The Bulletproof Truth.