10 Under-Rated Thrash Metal Greats

6. Blessed Death €“ Knights Of Old Bridge (Kill Or Be Killed)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM_7khQjXEE Criminally under-rated band that had everything clicking in their very first album! And what a mind-boggler it was! Thrash fans who have not heard of this band should get on this case and on this song particularly. Starts off sounding like a King Diamond piece but turns into much a more progressive and brutal and raw Thrash song which I really appreciated since I first heard it.

5. Slayer €“ At Dawn They Sleep (Hell Awaits)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0hTE_oFOoQ Well well well! A song from the mighty €˜Hell Awaits€™! Boy, this album! It€™s like a gum you have been chewing and chewing and chewing and never felt like throwing it out! At dawn they sleep though, who would bring up this song instead of the title track or Necrophiliac? Hell awaits along with Black Magic are my favorite Slayer tracks; then again, I can never omit this from any Slayer list I make. I don€™t know about other Slayer fans but this is one of my defining moments with Slayer personally. This is the album I first heard of Slayer and I already had heard Hell Awaits(through greatest hits) before getting into this album. And, when I came to this song, I realized what Slayer was all about. Extremely mean, a Slayer-esque head banging song and the lyric works! And did I mention under-rated?
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