10 Utterly Bizarre Album Titles (And What They Really Mean)

4. The Flaming Lips €“ Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots

The Flaming Lips' Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots was released in 2002 to critical and commercial favour. On first glance this album title may seem rather abstract, but listening to the album in question is enough to provide some solid context. Perhaps some of the confusion spawns from the fact that the band's front man Wayne Coyne does not regard the album as a concept album, discouraging people from considering the title narratively. Yet the first four tracks of the record clearly tell the titular story, as a character named Yoshimi does indeed battle some pink robots. The name Yoshimi is thought to be a reference to Yoshimi P-We, drummer of the band Boredoms. Coyne is a close friend of Yoshimi's and invited her to to be a session player and vocalist on the album. It's believed Coyne named the protagonist Yoshimi as a form of gratitude for her contribution.
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.