10 Utterly Bizarre Album Titles (And What They Really Mean)

3. Guns N' Roses €“ "The Spaghetti Incident?"

Guns N' Roses are a band that need no introduction. They're one of the most famous rock groups in the world, having written many classic songs including Welcome To The Jungle, Paradise City and You Could Be Mine. As for their 1993 album €œThe Spaghetti Incident?€, while it's one of their more mixed releases (it's comprised of covers of older punk and hard rock songs), the title is extremely famous due to its sheer strangeness. The title is actually an inside joke referring to a food fight between Axl Rose and Steven Adler, an incident which was mentioned frequently during Adler's lawsuit against the band in 1993.It's believed that €“ much to the rest of the band's amusement €“ Adler's attorney frequently described the event as €œThe Spaghetti Incident€, prompting the rather tongue-in-cheek title. In reality, the fight was probably much more than a simple exchange of food. Though not much is known about the particular incident, Rose and Adler were known for their frequently violent altercations, including once when they completely trashed a hotel room. Rose pushed Adler into a fire alarm, smashing the glass and prompting Adler to throw him back onto a coffee table. It's likely the incident was brought up by Adler's attorney because it escalated into something much more physical.
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.