10 Ways This Will Make You Hate Justin Bieber More Than You Already Do

3. He Thinks He Can Act

Bieber Bieber is a music star. He sings songs about love and... well, nothing else actually. And sure, maybe he can dance. But you're not a triple threat Justin. You can't act, no matter how hard you try. It seems young Bieber is trying to capitalise on his supposed widespread popularity by jumping in the deep end and into Matt Damon's shoes (don't ask why I'm using that analogy, I watched the Bourne films last week. They're pretty good). Whether it's a cameo spot on a TV show, or trying to squeeze every penny from his adoring fans with his own line of 3D concert films, he's all over the show... or something like that. Whilst his fans jump at the chance to watch their Bieber do what he doesn't do best, us non-Beliebers are left disgruntled because this teen thinks he can act. That death scene on CSI is a hot mess, and not in the good way. Never in the good way.

Entertainments lover. Yoghurt hater. Beard grower.