10 Worst Debut Albums By Amazing Rock Artists

9. Pretties For You - Alice Cooper

The debut solo album from the man named Alice Cooper was 1975's Welcome to my Nightmare. It hit the US top 5, sold over a million copies in the States, and was one of the best-selling albums of the entire year.

As for the debut album from the band named Alice Cooper, that was an entirely different story.

Before he went out on his own and before he got addicted to golf (among other things), Alice Cooper was the frontman for the eponymous group. They released their first record, Pretties for You, in 1969, and let's just say it was received very differently than Welcome to my Nightmare.

The sense of danger that would define later Cooper records was missing from this album, and its production values were lower than a subterranean limbo stick.

Esteemed rock critic Lester Bangs said that the album was devoid of "life, spontaneity, joy, rage, or any kind of authentic passion or conviction", and he was pretty spot on with that evaluation.

It wouldn't be until the album Love It to Death and the song I'm Eighteen that Alice Cooper would finally break out.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.