10 Worst Debut Albums By Amazing Rock Artists

5. Wild Life - Wings

When The Beatles collapsed in 1970, Paul McCartney responded by putting out two of his most interesting solo records.

The first was McCartney, a stripped back, lo-fi precursor to bedroom pop with the outstanding Maybe I'm Amazed on it. The second was Ram, which is now held up as one of his finest ever releases.

And then came album number three.

By this point, Macca had found himself some new friends and had started a band called Wings. Whilst they would eventually get round to recording some stellar stuff, the album Wild Life was a massive disappointment.

To give it some credit, it has two absolute bangers on it; Love Is Strange and Some People Never Know. To discredit it, the rest of Wild Life is pretty pants.

The songs all bring out some of Paul's worst qualities; nonsensical lyrics; sentimentality; an overreliance on old rock 'n' roll tropes. Everything apart from the aforementioned pair was sub-par at best and just plain annoying at worst.

Though they never reached Beatles heights, Wings would eventually get into a groove with the release of 1973's Band on the Run. That was enough to wash the taste of Wild Life from people's mouths.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.