10 Worst Final Albums In Rock
9. Love Is For Suckers - Twisted Sister
Twisted Sister is a band that lives and dies on the anger in their music. Across their hit songs like We're Not Gonna Take It and I Wanna Rock, you can pretty much feel the anger seeping off of the speakers, as Dee Snider lets out all of his aggression on the listener. If you take the rage out of the picture though, things just end up sounding hollow.
After the band tasted their first success off of Stay Hungry, the rest of their career reads like they were trying to make lightning strike twice on every other album. With Dee no longer able to write songs about being angry due to his rock star lifestyle, the follow-up album Come Out and Play already showed the band selling out HARD...pulling in big name guests like Alice Cooper and even covering the Shangri-La's on one track.
Though that kind of blow was hard to take for a metalhead, Love is for Suckers is where things reach their sad conclusion, with the core lineup's dangerous sound feeling like it's being held together with duct tape and faith. After meeting yet another deaf ear, the Sisters settled into early retirement shortly after this album's release. Though they eventually came out with a handful of reissues and even a Christmas album, this is where all of the raw aggression of the early days came to its pathetic endpoint.