10 Worst Hard Rock Cover Songs Of All Time

1. Anything on Pat Boone's metal album

Many artists can get over a bad cover. Sometimes you're just not equipped to take on a classic, while other bands just try their hardest only to see the plans fall through. These acts may have the best intentions at heart when making these songs, but Pat Boone took almost every wrong step when he decided to release a metal album.

Yes... you heard that correctly. Pat Boone, the crooner who was the safe substitute for rock and roll back in the '60s, was going to try his hand at covering some of the greatest metal songs in existence. The results are... exactly as terrible as you think they would be, with Boone butchering everything from Smoke on the Water to Paradise City. I mean, I'll give him this, Boone hits the mark every time for being equally out of his element on every track, sounding like your dad trying his best to make Van Halen swing.

Boone was normally against rock and roll back in his heyday, but this attempt to beat the new kids at their own game is what Richard Cheese would sound like if he wasn't joking. Half of the time, cover records like these are supposed to be funny, but this Tom Jones in leather schtick that Boone tried to pull off made for one of the biggest wastes of time to have the term "metal" attached to it.

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Pat Boone
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