10 Worst Hard Rock Lyrics Of The 2000s

5. My Sacrifice - Creed

Worst Offender: "I just want to say hello again/I just want to say hello again."

Most of the trash talk that comes with the turn-of-the-century rock scene comes down to the fact that Creed existed. While the band had their most successful album in the late '90s, the real crap started to roll in when people started to realize the inherent lameness of Scott Stapp's butt rock delivery. Though the Christian-tinged lyrics turned some people off, it got more disconcerting once you picked up Weathered.

On first glance, a song like "My Sacrifice" almost seemed prestamped with Christian rock sentiments, but the actual meaning is actually even worse somehow. Rather than being about relying on God for a helping hand, Stapp takes the entire song as an opportunity to profess his love for his friends, with the whole idea of having companions being a sacrifice for some reason.

There have been plenty of great songs about friendship in the rock canon, but this song is certainly not going to give songs like "You're My Best Friend" a run for its money any time soon. Stay tuned for the music video as well, where Scott adds depth to his lyrics with mermen and riding through town in a leaky boat. Creed already had a pedigree for doofiness, but even the hardcore fans might have a hard time defending this.

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