10 Worst Hard Rock Lyrics Of The 2000s

2. Eat You Alive - Limp Bizkit

Worst Offender: "I'd love to sniff on them panties now."

Limp Bizkit is a band that we should have left in the '90s. For as goofy and kind of immature as some of their songs were, you could usually just chalk it up to the teenage demographic just looking for something that sounded angry that they could mosh to. Rather than fall into obscurity, Fred Durst actually had the guts to try and make it into the '00s, with this song as his calling card.

Without the help of guitarist extraordinaire Wes Scantlin, the band's album Results May Vary was already headed south, but "Eat You Alive" runs out of gas right from the start. Fred Durst was never really Bob Dylan when it came to lyrics, but going from doing it all for the nookie to creeping on a girl you see walking down the street is much too gross to even delve fully into.

As if you weren't already sold on Fred Durst being a bonafide villain of hard rock, the fact that he openly discusses the undergarments of a complete stranger is something that shouldn't even need to be spelled out for anybody as gross. Limp Bizkit may have already been on the way out, but this one song may have dug their grave in one fell swoop.

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