10 Worst Number One Rock Albums Of The 1980s

3. Third Stage - Boston

Classic rock staples Boston had great success with their first two albums in the 1970s, which peaked at numbers three and one respectively in the Billboard charts.

So, naturally, they waited eight years to put out their third record, by which point most of their momentum had vanished. Great job, lads.

The More Than a Feeling band released Third Stage in 1986, and, thankfully, people still remembered who they were. It sold in droves, going four times platinum in the US and unseating Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet to enjoy a four-week stretch at the peak of the charts.

However, when it comes to quality, let's just say it was lacking its share of Livin' On a Prayers.

Aside from the lead single, Amanda, there's not much on here to get too excited about. It's mostly just the same old classic rock cliches that were getting trite at the time and, nowadays, are a painful throwback to an era where rock music had a formula and stuck to it rigidly.

Whilst it's nice that Boston got to enjoy such heights after their lengthy hiatus, they could have at least come back with something a bit more interesting.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.