10 Worst Songs From 2015
I'm not sure even the musicians who made this stuff would want to argue otherwise...
Whenever I think about assembling one of these "worst of" lists, I always get the feeling that, no matter what I include, there's a very high likelihood that at least some of your are going to scream into your computer screens about halfway through the article. Because when someone suggests that something you enjoy is "the worst," it's basically like they're saying that you're the worst. But that's not what I'm saying. I like you. (Probably. I like most people.) But if you really love any of the songs listed below--not just stomach, but genuinely love--then I'm afraid we just can't be friends, you guys. It doesn't mean that I dislike you as a person, it just means that we aren't meant to associate with each other. Because your taste in music is deplorable. Now, I've been accused of being a pop radio hater in the past, so I'll try to make sure these are songs that are objectively, universally awful, and not simply innocent representatives of a pop music landscape that I've come to despise. With that said, here comes the noise.