11 Things You Should Be Listening To Right Now!

Titus Andronicus

punk/folk/rock Knowing a band have taken their name from Shakespeare€™s traditionally least respected first attempt at tragedy; renowned for its graphic violence to the point where it fell completely out of favour by the stick-up-its-arse Victorian era for being distasteful, you€™d be forgiven for expecting something a bit metal. Y€™know, maybe some black metal given the sound of the name or some death metal given the content of the play. No, what you get instead with Titus Andronicus is heart on its sleeve, and raucous about it, New Jersey punk. They formed back in 2005 and have seen some considerable line up changes in that time, alongside three albums and numerous EPs and singles. Steadily developing under the one consistent member in singer and guitarist Patrick Stickles, Titus Andronicus have honed their craft with fuzzy, lo-fi, garage anthems that bring to mind Neutral Milk Hotel by way of Japandroids with Stickles€™ hoarse vocals adorned atop them. If The Gaslight Anthem were a punk rock Bruce Springsteen, then Titus Andronicus are an even punker version of both and with their new album Local Business seeing them strip things back for a simpler, more direct hit they could very well be the next step in that proud lineage. http://youtu.be/08fqHr_KGPY facebook website blogspot twitter

Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits