12 '70s Hard Rock Albums All Fans Should Own

8. Aerosmith - Toys In The Attic

Black Sabbath Paranoid

They’re one of the most resilient bands in the history of rock, and while they’ve busted out hits across their entire lengthy career, Toys In The Attic captures Aerosmith at their absolute zenith. They’re loud and lewd, with unstoppable energy and hits most bands would kill for. Do they ape Exile-era Stones a little too much? Perhaps, but they’ve done their homework and it pays off.

The title track is blistering stuff from the whiplash riff onward. Joe Perry is on his A-game throughout, where it’s the pacy guitar work here, the innovative talk box on lead single “Sweet Emotion”, or the unforgettable, iconic riff on “Walk This Way”. While the Run-DMC co-starring remake is the more famous, this version is looser, funkier, and probably better.

A barroom blues act at heart, Aerosmith make being in a band sound like great fun throughout Toys In The Attic. They care not for social commentary or big themes, they just want to have a great time rocking out, and that’s exactly what they do.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)