12 '70s Hard Rock Albums All Fans Should Own

7. Mott The Hoople - Mott

Black Sabbath Paranoid
Columbia Records

To discuss Mott The Hoople primarily through the lens of David Bowie is reductive, but as he did write their biggest hit, it’s a fair starting point. Had Bowie never tired of hard rock and glam, he’d have produced something like Mott, a gigantic, bouncy rocking album that’s equal parts smart songwriting, searing technique, and good old fun.

The sixth studio album by the group, it was their best yet, laser focussed and a clear progression from the previous album (which features the titular “All The Young Dudes”). Opener “All the Way from Memphis” is madcap brilliance, the band’s old thick glam sound sharpened to make use of Mick Ralphs’ superb guitar work.

Perhaps the best track of all is “Honaloochie Boogie”, which throws everything into a three minute pop gem. There are saxophones, a pub piano, uplifting vocals, a weird spoken middle eight, and just the right amount of nonsense that no ‘70s glam hit should be without.

Mott even features an origin story in “The Ballad Of Mott The Hoople” - it’s a band confident enough with their legacy that they penned a (damn good) tribute to themselves.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)