12 Best Cult Hard Rock Albums Of The 90s

8. Pablo Honey - Radiohead

After breaking onto the Britpop scene, Radiohead rose to prominence at the end of the decade to become one of the biggest voices in rock and roll. If Nirvana announced the beginning of a new movement at the decade's beginning, Radiohead ended it with a hopeful look towards an uncertain future.

However, the group was a very different band than the one we know today on their debut record Pablo Honey. The band sounds like they are still trying to figure their sound out, but the songs seem to be rooted in the alternative rock of the day. Listen to a song like "Anyone Can Play Guitar" and you'll hear a track that sounds like it could have come off an old mixtape of alt-rock plagiarists.

At the same time, the record shows incredible strength in songwriting like on the songs "How Do You" and the impressive album closer "Blow Out." This is also the album that gave the band their first big hit "Creep," which has gone on to be both praised and hated by the band's fans and the members themselves. The song made the band stars, but many were skeptical of whether they could keep it up or fall into one-hit-wonderdum. Oh how wrong they were.


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