12 Things You Should Be Listening To - Welsh Music Prize Special


Black Junk On a global scale €˜Exit International€™ may be associated with the non-profit organization advocating the legalization of euthanasia. On a Welsh national (soon to be British) scale Exit_International can be purely attributed to the angular, grungy, messy and generally raucous noise made by the bass heavy Welsh three piece. Featuring two bassists and a drummer, the trio don€™t miss out on not featuring any lead/rhythm guitars. Instead they build a number of dirty and fuzzy outbursts collected in this, their debut full length. To give you a rough idea; they€™ve supported Monster Magnet, Hawk Eyes, Ginger Wildheart, Kids in Glass Houses, Gay For Johnny Depp, Pulled Apart By Horses and The Bronx. http://youtu.be/yJyZ26SadoY website twitter facebook

Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits