15 Best Albums Of The Decade (So Far)

15. The War On Drugs - Lost In The Dream

Secretly Canadian

If ever there is an album which captured the essence our father's rock music in the best possible way, it's Lost In The Dream by The War On Drugs, a collection of elegantly unfolding rock tracks which echoes the dad-dictated soundtrack to the long car journeys of our childhood.

Playing the comparison game with The War On Drugs might be good fun but in many ways it's a redundant exercise; if their seminal 2014 album is anything to go by simply reflecting and expanding on music from the past isn't enough for the band. Adam Granduciel's plaintive vocals layered over ever-expanding guitars and keyboards make these sometimes uplifting, often melancholic tracks a lushly grandiose listening experience.

Lost In The Dream is an appropriate title for an album which feels like a yearning for something from the past: an ode to Americana through the prism of loneliness and uncertainty. But there's optimism here as well, creeping through the searing guitars, suggesting the The War On Drugs might turn out okay in the end, after all.

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