15 Best Death Metal Bands Ever

6. Possessed

Having being previously mentioned throughout this article, Possessed are clearly a huge name in the death metal scene who hold incredible levels of influence over the modern scene.

Forming back in 1983, Possessed are widely regarded as the founding fathers of death metal. In their first stint as a band from 1983-1987, Possessed popularised grunt style vocals as well as unimaginably fast drumming.

Having broken up twice in 1987 and later 1993, Possessed permanently reformed in 2007 with original vocalist, Jeff Becerra. However, he is the only member of the original 1983 line up who is still an active member of the band, and is one of 27 people to have been part of the band.

Despite their influence and legacy, Possessed have released just three studio albums in their entire career, two of which being released in back-to-back years. After 1986's 'Beyond the Gates', Possessed went a staggering 33 years without releasing a new album, before 2019's 'Revelations of Oblivion' finally ended the wait.

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