15 Best Guitar Solos Of The Decade (So Far)

12. Black Spiders - Stay Down (2:29)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csFha6v0_J4 Switching gears from the old to the new, Sheffield's punk-tastic Black Spiders looked ready to set the world alight back in 2010 with their phenomenal LP No Goats in the Omen. Whether it's the southern-fried riffery of Just Like a Woman or in this case, Stay Down, they're proof if any was needed that if you put enough passion behind something you can make anyone take notice. Also in the running for the best thing shouted in a song before a solo kicks in, "F**k you and this one-horse town!" is up there with Master of Puppets' "Fix me!" or any of Motley Crue's many "gih-TAH" moments.
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