15 Best Rock Songs About Growing Up

6. When I Get Old - Descendents

In heavy contrast to the last song, we now have one in which the narrator never wants to get to the point where he has to reminisce about the good times, as he wants to live in them forever. Not in figurative, "living in the past" sense, but rather, a literal one.

This steady, emotional song by pop-punk pioneers, Descendents, will not only win you over with its memorable instrumental, but will take a firm hold of your emotions with its identifiable, existential lyrics.

Is about an ageing man, presumably in his early 30's, contemplating what his life will be like when he grows even older. He wonders if he will still be the same person, living life the way he sees fit, or if he will go the route of conforming to society's norms. He makes it abundantly clear that he resents the latter option. It's a song that's not so much about staying young, but staying true to yourself and who you are, even as you do grow old.

The song can be rather crude at times, but this is easily overshadowed by its otherwise touching lyrics, the sendoff especially. A true underrated gem of the rock genre.

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Green Day
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A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.