15 Most Underrated Hard Rock Bands Of All Time

5. Cinderella

I'll admit taking one look at a band like Cinderella should normally say it all. With one look at a promotional shot of the band in 3-ft. hairdos and lipstick, you know you're probably in for a major label's latest take on what they think metal is. Once you listen to the songs though, they tend to tell a different story.

Most of the band's debut record Night Songs is a blast of hard rock, with songs that seem to pull a lot from AC/DC and Led Zeppelin than Europe or Winger. While many rock groups were out to earn their millions off cheap pop tunes, the songs written by vocalist Tom Keifer had a sound that was a lot harsher than what you'd expect from four guys dressed to the 9's in spandex.

Even more jawdropping was when Keifer actually flexed his vocal chops, which was a strange combination between Janis Joplin's pained shout and the raw aggression of Brian Johnson. Though the band saw marginal success from the ballad "Don't Know What You Got (Til It's Gone)," their star power quickly waned after the grunge scene stomped out every other hair band. Cinderella had the potential to build something huge, but their rise to prominence at the 11th hour made them look like a forgotten relic rather than the sound of the future.


I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97