15 Most Underrated Hard Rock Bands Of All Time

10. Slade

The whole rock world seemed to be split down the middle when glam rock became a part of the conversation. With many artists now donning the famous make up and lipstick, hard rock fans were either onboard with this new direction or ran as far away as they possibly could. For as cartoonish as bands like Sweet could get, the repertoire of Slade had some pretty impressive cuts.

At the core of the band's tunes, you could normally find a bright sunshiny melody, but the way in which they played it always had a bit more attitude to its presentation. Sure, the makeup may have been an added extension, but these guys wanted to let you know that they were still a rock band through and through. The songs on the band's first few releases even ended up having an effect on the hair metal bands of the 80's, with bands like Quiet Riot and Great White making their millions off of covers of the band's tunes.

Even more mainstream rockers like Oasis have been known to cover and sing the praises of these British rock legends. While they weren't reaching the level of David Bowie or T. Rex, Slade have definitely earned their spot in the glam metal history books.


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