14. Jocie Kwok Performs Dragosta Din Tei
http://youtu.be/3_OKCMbm2Ts In 2004, Moldovan band O-Zone had the worldwide release of their Romanian language song Dragosta Din Tei. It gained widespread popularity in Europe, but didn't do much over in the United States until the viral "Numa Numa Dance" video made by Gary Brolsma became such a hit among the NewGrounds crowd. Following that, a number of parody videos were made, but a number of actual covers were also made. Almost too many to count. Among the most fun to watch versions are an Israeli version in Hebrew, featuring a bunch of men and women all wearing pink on a pink stage (it really is better than it sounds) and the above version, performed by Jocie Kwok. No idea if the English translation used in the video is accurate, but then again, the English version of the original song had nothing to do with the Romanian version when translated, so it doesn't really matter. What does matter is how infectious Jocie Kwok's smile is and that it looks like she had as much fun making the video as we all have watching it.
Graduate of the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, former writer for Examiner.com and huge fan of all things sci-fi and fantasy. Has been known to wear a Fourth Doctor scarf in the middle of summer.
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